How to Automate Social Media Marketing Using IFTTT

How to Automate Social Media Marketing Using IFTTT

Today's video I'm going to teach you How to Automate Social Media Marketing Using IFTTT,  how to use this another powerful automation tool that we call IFTTT it stands for if this then that it is also pronounced as gifts without Ichi and just like zap here it has an automated workflow that is called applets or recipes.

Applets and combinations of connected apps that automate your tasks whether it be business work or at home yes it can also help you automate your smart devices at home for example below they all the doors without having to do it yourself or turning your switching on or off your lights at home so that it's not impossible with IFTTT oh by the way guys applets let me show you what our applet so actually applets connect two or more apps or devices together and it enables you to do something that those apps or devices put into on your own now applets are composed of triggers and actions.

So when we say triggers it tells an applet to start and actions are the results of an applet run okay so to better understand these guys I will show you how to create an app lets so that you better understand what am I talking about here okay so are you excited now so let's get started so here, of course, guys if you want to use if you have to earn a return for all Google account or your Facebook account so whichever you like guys so here you just can you just click continue with Google or continue with Facebook and just type in your name your email address in the password after that you will be connected up to this page or directed to this page alright and then this is now your home page.

How to Use IFTTT for Social Media Automation

Alright so let me show you I did to sell your home page and this is not your profile okay this is your account which you can edit this is the record of all your activities the outlets that you have run and applets you have run and the applets you have deleted or turned on and then we also have here my applets or these are the automated workflows that you have already created and my services here this are the list of all the apps that you connect to gift and we also have here create of course this is where you create your applets ok so right now we are going to create your own applets ok so we will create that one from scratch ok so there is what you are going to do guys you just click this alright now here is what we are going to do guys I want that a newly uploaded video on my youtube channel will be automatically uploaded to my FB page.

Automate Social Media Tasks Using IFTTT

Ok so here we are going to use two apps our YouTube app which will be our trigger and our FB page will which will be our action ok so let's find music here alright then click on that so it has a lot of triggers right here you like video this trigger fires every time you like a video on YouTube new public video uploaded by you and this and that now I'd like to use this one new public video uploaded by you know guys if you don't have or if you haven't connected your YouTube account right here or your YouTube up with else so let me show you how to connect your app with it okay for instance I'm going to connect my Twitter account since I already have connected my YouTube here so let me find another app that I haven't connected yet yeah alright so let's try Twitter so if you want to connect Twitter too if say for instance you wanted to if you want to keep track of the Twitter mentions.

Automate Social Media Marketing with IFTTT (If This Then That)

So let's try that one and then this is just how you are going to connect your Twitter app just like this one up and then you click authorize the app, okay and it will take a few moments and there you have it your Twitter account is already connected to lift alright so let's go back to our word earlier so okay okay looks just like YouTube Oh okay let's go back to create and then let's type again you to where you have it and then I will use this one then it's already our trigger has already added here and then let's click that and then let's look for an F f bh okay.

So here what we are going to do is choose to create a link post this action will create a new link post on your Facebook page wallet okay that one let's add an ingredient okay so as I've said earlier outlets are also called as recipes before so like to add the title right there and then for the message and like the description of my video would be here again then you click create action and then you click you click finish and that's okay let's try this one okay let's try our outlet if it is working okay let's go to my youtube channel make money online hey this is my channel and then let me create and upload a new video.

okay just select-fire so just click the videos that you want to be uploaded mmm let me try I have already created for our tutorial purposes here.

How to Automate Social Media Tasks Using IFTTT (Best Automation Tool)

I just opened that one okay and let me say this is for their purposes this is our description of King, for now, I will not upload any thumbnail just um we just make our uploading fast dice, okay okay let me just put the thumbs me right here that one next then your video elements okay you have to set it to public okay and then you just click publish and then if it will close this one and we will wait for our video to be uploaded.

Hey so once uploaded guys go to my app and let us to my page if we find that they train you oh sorry make money online so this is my page, hey let me see if we already have uploaded oh there you go automatically uploaded to our FB page guys so that's just how you do it okay so you every time you upload a new video to your YouTube account then it will automatically download I mean upload to your Facebook wall so you don't have to do it manually okay so it is now automatic with the help of if so that's a guy so I hope you learn something from this video and I hope to see you on my next video guys so please don't forget to Like share and subscribe and of course, by the way, don't forget to click the notification down below so that you can update that of my new video see you again guys.

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