How to Crosspost on Reddit 2021

In this post, I will discover how to crosspost on Reddit 2021? 

Quick Summary 

1. Open Reddit.
2. Sign in to your account.
3. Click crosspost under a post's title.
4. Select a subreddit for your crosspost.
5. Edit the post's title.
6. Click SUBMIT.

Steps on How to Corsspost on Reddit 2021

How to Crosspost on Reddit 2021

Find the original post you want to crosspost. You can crosspost a link or text post from the front page or from a subreddit.

Click crosspost below the post you want to crosspost. You can find it next to the comments, share, and report buttons below a post's title. It will open the crosspost form in a pop-up window.

Select a subreddit to crosspost. Click the drop-down menu below "Choose where to crosspost," and select a subreddit to crosspost the selected link or text post.

Edit the title of your crosspost. Under the "Choose a title" heading, you can change the title of the selected post or leave it as the original one. as -&nbspThis website is for sale!

Resources and Information. a rule of thumb, you should consider adding a crosspost indicator in the post's title when you're crossposting across different subs. For example, you can add (x-post /r/<originalsub>) at the end of the title, and include the original subreddit's name here.

Complete the captcha. Click the checkbox next to "I'm not a robot" to complete the captcha task.The captcha task will prove you're a human and not a malicious bot.

Click the SUBMIT button. This is a blue button in the lower-right corner of the crosspost window. This will publish your crosspost on the selected subreddit.


If you want to be successful on a crosspost make sure that the content is content that the certain subreddit you crosspost to usually has. Don't try to make a cute animal pic to r/funny or sad pic to r/awww. Make sure that the content is always relevant and similar to usual content or else your crosspost will be downvoted into oblivion.

*Some subreddits have more than one theme that will be accepted and you will find out what content works for what subreddits through time.


A post cannot be too young, it can only be too old. If a post was made with the last 3 months it is risky to crosspost due to a high chance of recognition. If above 3 months old it will be out of short-term memory and you can safely assume the majority of people won't recognize your crosspost. A crosspost cannot be recent or people will know and downvote your post onto oblivion.


A post cannot be too unique or stand out or people will know you crossposted and downvote your post into oblivion. This factor also includes some degree of luck but choose a post that was popular yet not one that people don't tend to forget.

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