How to Pass Crowdsurf Transcription Test

How to Pass Crowdsurf Transcription Test

Crowdsurf Transcription Test Answers

Hi everybody welcome to my next tutorial  so I recently put up a poll to ask if  you are interested in me giving more  tutorials for transcribed transcription  work or user testing or captioning and  it was pretty much a tie between  transcription and captioning so I've  come across this that I've known about  this website for a while and never  actually tried out before it's called  crowd-surf work calm so is crowd-surf a  good fit for you  do you enjoy reading writing and reading  are you looking to make a little extra  cash on the side so let's click on learn  more so what is crowd-surf basically  it's a dedicated community of freelance  transcriptionists working to create  video captions for deaf hard of hearing  and second language viewers we offer  short transcription tasks available day  and night so that you can work anytime  anywhere it's free to sign up you'll be  paid instantly and we offer several  opportunities for growth and promotion.

Crowdsurf Transcription Application Process Video Tutorial

So I want to know and see how easy it is  how it compares to rev which i've done  a tutorial several tutorials on and if  it's easier to get accepted so if you  look over here your benefits instant  income by day's end you can have cash to  spend okay so that sounds like you get  paid right away easy tasks most h IT  jobs or hit jobs are very easy which is  cool because I know on Rev some of them  are almost impossible steady work jobs  are waiting for you to accept them no  resumes no interviews no waiting  flexibility work on your own schedule if  you have a free few minutes throughout  the day use them alright let's look here  required skills you must speak read  write fluently in English have a PC or  Mac reliable internet basic typing  skills great listening  excellent proofreading so the first step  we have to do is sign up on work market  crowd-surf uses work market to higher  end pay all crowd-surf freelancers  you'll join crowd-surf via work market  and work with us on our private editing  platform the crowd-surf work platform  it's easy to get started use the link at  the bottom of this page and create your  work market account and this is  important note choose writing and  translation as your primary industry use  the drop-down list  to select your postal code.

How to Pass Crowdsurf Captionar Test 

I'm going to  copy this so I can use it later if I  ever get the work market team will  review your profile and tax information  this typically takes less than 24 hours  set up your payment method you can  choose direct deposit PayPal and more  step to work market uses recruitment  groups to connect you with employers  offering freelance work once your work  market account is set up apply to join  crowd-surf as a new crowd-surf  transcriber review the guidelines and  take a brief assessment to join the  crowd surf group  ok so first we're gonna sign up on work  market then join crowd surf and then  we're going to start here it says get  started USA Canada gets started  international I am USA Canada so I will  click on this ok so if just click to get  started USA Canada we've read all this  already one thing they say you have to  have a valid US or Canada ID so if you're from a different country make  sure to click get started' international  reliable pay.

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Crowdsurf Assessment Test Answers

Pay depends on level of  proficiency and amount of work completed  work ranges from 5 seconds to 30 seconds  for each audio clip payment ranges from  3 cents to 20 cents per media minute  plus additional bonus rates this is  shockingly low oh my god 3 cents and  people were complaining at Rev when they  dropped it down to 25 cents per medium  in it which is insane so I'm really  curious to see if this is as easy as  they're making it out because I don't  know what kind of money you're gonna  make  transcribing our video captioning for 3  cents a minute so I am curious to see  how this is even a thing that people  even do but anyway let's just see what  happens so remember please put writing  and translation as your industry for  work market ok so we're going to go to  the top we're going to click join as an  individual sign up for work market so  put it in your name last name email and  your password read the Terms &  Conditions and click register.

Crowdsurf Transcription Made Easier

Ok now  says thank you from crowd-surf next  steps you've completed the signup  process and should receive a  confirmation email shortly make sure to  check your spam folder as well so I'm  gonna go into my email I've also  received an email saying please confirm  your work market account so I'm gonna  make sure to confirm my account ok so  now I'm going to log in my email and my  password that I created earlier and  click on remember me  and login okay so now we've got some  profile information we can fill out you  can add a photo put your name your phone  number click continue then you're going  to click location then click continue  now you can choose your expertise so  remember what they told us earlier what  was it they said writing and translation  okay so I'm gonna click writing and  translation as a primary industry there  we go and then use the drop-down list to  select your postal code.

Get Paid for Transcription Work with CrowdSurf 

Okay I do not  know what I'm supposed to put here under  job title it says use the drop-down list  so I'm just gonna put in a captioner for  fun I'm going to click continue and see  what happens  great you are now ready to search and  apply for assignments so they hear they  have banking information tax etc I'm  just gonna click get started for now ok  now I'm gonna go back to that email I  got with a labor cloud invitation and  I'm gonna click on View labor cloud  because that's what I want to connect to  from work market com. 

Ok so I was sent a  link to this group this is the  crowd-surf transcribers US Canada  workforce group that says here you do  not meet all the requirements for  joining this labor cloud but you can  apply anyway you will apply as an  individual worker so before I click  apply I want to add in these missing  requirements the first one is crowd-surf  driver's license or other ID to prove  that I'm either from the United States  or Canada so I'm going to click add  update ok now it says thank you your  request for labor  cloud membership to the labor cloud  trance crowd-surf transcribers  workplaces pending and will be reviewed  so basically they've put in a pending  request but I want to add in my  certification anyways so writing a  translation crowd-surf certification I'm  going to put in international ID card  because I'm gonna put in my passport and  then you're gonna put in your issue date  and the expiry date and then an  attachment.

Crowdsurf Transcription Review 2020

So I'll just click browse to  find where I've located my passport ok  so now I've uploaded my passport and  then I'm going to put in the issue date  of when my passport was issued ok so  make sure to put in the issue date you  don't have to put in the expiration date  it doesn't have like an asterisk but I  figure it helps because that's something  that they put here so I put in the  expiration date and now I'm going to  click Add certification ok so now it  says the certification was added to your  profile but is pending verification by  work market ok so you can see I have  that here  and now you can see I'm back at the  Labor cloud for crowd-surf transcribers  they have put in membership request is  pending but I still need to take the  test.

Crowdsurf transcription style guide

So I have added my ID but now I  need to take this crowd serve  transcription assessment also I want to  show you if you scroll down you can see  that this is managed by Cynthia a  there's four hundred and thirty four  members of this group and this was  created just in July so this is quite  new actually so now let's click a take  test okay so first how did you find us  were you referred by anyone next  question so now they say please be sure  to familiarize yourself with the  following resources before you proceed  to the next question so we've got the  crowd-surf general guidelines technology  glossary most common requirements okay  so I'm going to open up the guidelines  and the glossary and the common  requirements and then they've got 18  questions for us for us to review so  let's click on the full general  guidelines most common requirements  clean verbatim transcription your  transcripts provide captions for deaf  and hard-of-hearing viewers transcribe  the audio content exactly as heard but  leave out these sorts of words American  English spelling and grammar no  exceptions.

Crowdsurf Transcription and Captioner Test Answers

So if I'm Canadian so I would  make sure to spell like an American  transcript format beginning of hita end  of a chai tea always capitalize the  first letter of the first word in an a  chai tea even if it's not the start of a  sentence okay I've just googled what is  an a chai tea because I have no idea and  they've said it suffer several times  before human intelligence tasks so every  transcription task is known as human  intelligent task and a chai tea always  close hit with a period unless you're  sure that it's the middle of a sentence  then leave it open or with a comma never  close it with a dash or ellipses so  you can go through this and look at all  of these guidelines there are a lot of  different guidelines I would keep this  open there's also section to spelling  and grammar this is telling you how they  want you just spell certain words so for  example if you have to write all right  you they don't want you just they want  you to spell like this not like this  okay  like this not like this etc.

Crowdsurf Transcription and Application Process

So this will  help you telling you how to correctly  spell these certain words we've also got  accepted slang so you can put these  sorts of things but not this so I keep  this open while you're doing the test  the next section was the Gardner  glossary so that's the technology  glossary I guess in case you have to use  or look up any words how to spell them  and then most common requirements so  here there's more and the there's a  table of contents you've got full  general guidelines the glossary tech  glossary yeah there's a lot of resources  here they have some training videos all  sorts of stuff okay but I just want to  kind of get into the test and see what  it's all about so I'm going to go back  here I'm going to select I have reviewed  the crowd-surf guidelines and glossary  and now I'm going to click Next question  alright.

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General guidelines what does  clean verbatim transcription mean so  basically all of these questions are  answered in the test itself so for  example what does clean verbatim  transcription mean if you look in the  guidelines says here transcribe the  audio content exactly as heard but  leaving out all these kinds of stuff  that doesn't really help  so transcribe exactly what it said but  leaving out this sort of stuff here next  question this one says example  transcribe the media task how should  this video be transcribed note this is  worth for approximately 40 percent of  your grade  okay so I'm doing my test transcribing  this test but I wanted to show you to go  if you go back to the guidelines under  Section 10 there's sample transcripts so  here they show you when there's a  speaker change imagine that it was  spoken like this speaker 1 speaker 2 etc.

How to apply to

When you transcribe it what they want  you to do is for a speaker change to put  in these double arrows here and then a  space and then you continue okay so  you'll need that for when you're doing  the actual test itself but when you  start off make sure just not to put in  the speaker changes you'll just start  off with the capital like this alright  so I pretty sure I did I follow the  directions correctly of how to  transcribe this video so once you're  done you can click on next question okay  they say which of the below are not  accepted Spelling's in crowd-surfed  transcripts choose all that apply again  you can go through the guidelines to  make sure you've answered these  correctly I think I've got them correct  next question which are discouraged  punctuation marks in crowd serves  transcripts choose all that apply please  choose the most correct transcription  based on the number guidelines which  sentence has the most correct grammar  when should a blank audio tag be used  choose all that apply the speaker says  something that sounds like as a mall and  a computer programming a chai tea how  should this be transcribed access the  glossary here okay.

How to register at

So I'm on the last  question now I've just skipped through a  few of them but basically they show you  a couple different videos and you'll  have to answer some multiple choice now  I really recommend you looking at the  full guideline to help you what I do is  just I press ctrl F on my keyboard to  get this little search and then I can  type in I don't know like math for  example to see you know some of their  rules for each of these sections so  afterwards it says the past score is  only based on the multiple-choice  questions  the transcription video you transcribed  accounts for over 40% of the grade your  passing score may not be valid if the  transcription you provide it doesn't  follow our general guidelines great it  says congratulations you're done if you  need to change any answers go back now  otherwise click Submit answers are you  sure you want to submit the test yes  great so it's  congratulations you pass this test so  let's look at my results so I have one  attempt it's taken me an hour and six  minutes I took up a little bit of a  break and my final score was ninety  three point three percent okay so as you  can see here fulfilled requirements I  have passed the crowd-surfed  transcription assessment the only  missing requirement is the certification  which was my ID so my membership is  still pending and then I'm gonna wait  until I get accepted because I'm  assuming I'm gonna get accepted all they  need to do is verify my passport and  then once I get accepted I can do a  follow up video basically teaching you  are showing you what it's like to work  for crowd-surf and how much money you  can make and what the job volume is etc  so thank you for watching and I'm  looking forward to updating you a bit  more about crowd-surf once they have  approved my ID. 

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