Weird Ways to Make Money UK - Unusual Ways to Make Money UK

Weird Ways to Make Money UK

Weird Ways to Make Money UK: Whenever anyone asks about making money in a crazy manner the answer comes to me is there is nothing such as crazy absolutely, so it actually is relative. 

Weird Ways to Make Money UK

Unusual Ways to Make Money UK

I have taken the conventional meaning of crazy that is mad, especially as manifested in wild or aggressive behavior. So with that here are some of the Unusual Ways to Make Money UK.

Weird Ways to Make Money Online 2021


Weird Ways to Make Money UK: Fiverr is a unique website in that you can get paid to do just about anything. You might get $5 for posting a photograph of your dog. Or, they may want you to buy a fridge magnet from wherever you are.

The site does offer more traditional paying services too such as freelance writing or graphic design. Nonetheless, you can be paid for doing pretty much anything.

It’s worth checking out if you’re short of cash, planning a holiday or just want to earn some extra money on the side.


Unusual Ways to Make Money the UK: Snapped a really cool shot? You can earn money easily through Adobe Stock.

Each time someone purchases your photo, you’ll get a 33% commission. If it’s a video, you’ll get a 35% commission. You have to reach at least $25 in royalties before you can request a payout through either Skrill or PayPal.

So, if you’re an avid photographer or think you’ve just snapped something pretty neat, this one might be worth checking out.


Weird Ways to Make Money UK: Everyone wants to help the environment, and everyone has empty ink cartridges lying around their home or workplace. But, instead of chucking your empty ink cartridges away, why not recycle them instead?

Printer Cartridge Recycling pays people for each one they receive. You’ll get cash depending on the ink cartridge you’ve sent. A minimum threshold of £5 must be reached in order to send the cartridges to them.

Alternatively, you can send them to the Recycling Factory. All you have to do is box up your cartridges and send them Free Post to the company. They’ll sort out the rest and pay you.


Weird Ways to Make Money UK: Want to avoid inflation-busting cash crashes? Put your money into gold via the smartphone app Glint. Not only can you buy gold which is stored in a real vault in Switzerland, you can also spend it too using a specially made debit card.

You’ll avoid any decreases caused by inflation and you can switch your gold into an actual currency at any time if you’re worried about its value.

It all works in the way of a normal bank, and your gold and money are protected. The Financial Conduct Authority audits Glint.

So, feel like you want to buy some gold? Get downloading the app on the Apple App Store or Android Store, and get your new debit card delivered in just a few days.


Unusual Ways to Make Money UK: Bought some garments that make up the latest fashion trend? Why not snap a selfie-and begin earning money through Stylinity.

Every photo you upload where you tag your clothes can be turned into cash. If someone buys a piece of clothing you’re wearing, you’ll earn reward points which can then be turned into real objects or cash.


Weird Ways to Make Money UK: There’s nothing particularly weird about making money collecting certain items and selling them at a profit so you might wonder why this one is in our list of strange ways to make money.

  • Well, there are very strange and surprising things you can collect to make a profit.
  • For example, did you know you could make money collecting Disney DVDs and blu-rays?
  • Or would you have thought you could make money collecting Barbie dolls?
  • Other weird collectibles include piggy banks, Lego, comics, action figures, and antique books.
  • You’d be surprised just how many ways you can make money collecting.


Unusual Ways to Make Money UK: If you’re not sure what life modeling is, it’s modeling nude as artists paint or sculpture you.

So, first, off you’ve got to decide whether you’re comfortable standing nude in front of a load of strangers…while you’re starkers…it’s not for everybody!

Don’t worry if you don’t think you’re in perfect shape though, this is about interesting and real body shapes so don’t be put off if you do want to give it a go – plus you’ll hopefully end up with a beautiful sculpture or picture of yourself.

You’re paid an hourly rate – the average rate is £10.63, although in London it’s £11.11.


Weird Ways to Make Money UK: Why not become a beekeeper and make money selling the honey?

Maybe you can think of several reasons not to – the fear of getting stung or not having the first clue how to start.

But it’s a good money maker because it’s also vital to the environment. We need good beekeepers to help act against the number of bees dying all around the world.

You don’t need loads of room or time to be a beekeeper, in fact, professional beekeepers can get away with inspecting their bees only once a month.

However, you’ll just need to put some initial time into the investment to learn everything you need to know about beekeeping. It’s important to know the very best way to keep bees as some amateur owners have harmed their bees by not knowing the ins and outs of caring for them properly.

It’s not a quick money maker either. It can take more than one season for your bees to start producing honey, but once they do you can begin to sell it.

You won’t just be making money, you’ll be helping the environment, and, who knows, you might discover a new passion.


Different ways to make money UK: If you’ve had a real-life horror story then you can make money selling it either to a magazine or newspaper.

We know that might sound callous at first but we all know the saying ‘When life gives you lemons…’

For a good, unpredictable story newspapers will pay between £200 – £2,000. In fact, one of our readers managed to get £2,200 for their story.

You could go on to do more. If you can help others, why not write a self-help book?


This one isn’t really that bonkers, but it sounds strange at first – you can make money selling your hair.

Despite huge scientific progress, we still haven’t found a cure for baldness so wigs, hair extensions, and hairpieces are still in high demand.

You’ll need at least 6 inches of hair and it must be clean, healthy, and shiny – any damaged hair will not be accepted.

If you’ve got an unusual natural hair color then you can get more for it, although remember to speak to a wig seller to find out the price before cutting your hair. It’d be awful to lose all that hair only to find out you don’t like the price!

Prices vary, but some wig sellers will pay up to £200 for your hair, so there is potential money to be made.


Creative Ways to Make Money UK: Ok, unlike the last point, this is a slightly misleading title.

You can’t make money JUST by watching TV, but there are certainly ways you can incorporate watching TV into your money-making process, and that’s pretty cool right?

For example, you could make money by giving your views on the latest television programs by joining a focus group or taking part in relevant online surveys. You could even set up your own blog reviewing the latest TV programs.


Weird Ways to Make Money UK: Have you ever been told you don’t get paid to stand around and do nothing?

Well, here’s a job that genuinely pays you to do just that – getting paid to queue (or line sitting).

How does it work, you ask?

Well, we’ve all seen the long queues as people wait in line to be the first to get their hands on the latest Apple product, sometimes even enduring a whole night of rain. Chances are at least one of those people would have paid you to take their place.

Equally, there are many people who would love to get the latest iPhone or concert tickets but can’t because they have work or family commitments. They may well be willing to pay for your line sitting services.

Despite success in the US, it’s still relatively unheard of practice in the UK so you’d be leading the way with this money-making opportunity.

You’d be able to set your own price, either at a fixed rate or an agreed amount per hour/half hour. For example, you could charge a fixed rate of £100, or agree on £6 an hour.


Unusual Ways to Make Money UK: Selling sperm or eggs might sound desperate, but it’s perfectly legal in the UK to do so.

If you’re a man, well, frankly it’s easy money! It could even be described as a leisure activity.

The only requirements are that you should not have any history of sexually transmitted infection or a personal or family history of inheritable disorders. You must also undergo medical screening, including an HIV test.

Be aware that you may also be turned away if your sperm quality isn’t high enough (don’t take it personally!)

According to the HFEA you can’t technically be paid for donating sperm, but you are given £35 per donation to cover expenses.

Egg donation, however, is a much more serious procedure…and not a lot of fun.

The egg donor must be between the ages of 18 and 36 and, before the donation takes place, a donor will have to undergo screening to limit the chance of genetic abnormalities and sexually transmitted diseases.

If you’re found to be suitable to donate, you’ll be matched with a couple who have infertility issues. You’re then given fertility drugs to administer at home; these stimulate the ovaries into producing a number of eggs.

The HFEA has capped the amount you can make for egg donation at £750, hoping that this will only encourage people to give eggs out of altruistic intent and not because they need the extra money.


Weird Ways to Make Money UK: Getting paid to test food sounds amazing, doesn’t it?

And, unlike getting paid to sleep, it’s something you have a good shot at actually being hired to do.

As a food tester, research companies are interested in getting your views on food products.

Once you’ve tasted the food you’ll be asked to give your feedback on the product – this might be as part of a focus group or you might simply just have to give it a score in a questionnaire.

In between each food sample, you’ll be given a palette cleaner, such as a cracker and water, so you’re ready for the next taste.

Tests tend to last around an hour or two, but maybe slightly longer if you’re taking part in a focus group.

You’re not going to make a career out of it, it’s really just a nice way to supplement your income, but you can earn between £5-£55 depending on whether you’re just completing a questionnaire or if you’re taking part in a focus group.


Unusual Ways to Make Money UK: Could you imagine getting paid to sleep?

How brilliant would that be?

Well some lucky so and so’s get to do just that, and they’re called bed testers.

Bed testers get to test out a whole range of beds, often luxury ones, and then give a verdict based on the night’s sleep they had.

We’re really including this one for a bit of fun because it’s really hard to become a full-time bed tester – as you can imagine, it’s very competitive!

Most people were first introduced to the idea of being a bed tester after Hotel Chatter put out a call in 2006 for a professional to test their 25,000 beds.

Could you imagine? Well, we can always dream (although, unlike bed testers, we won’t get paid for it!)


Weird Ways to Make Money UK: Admittedly this isn’t something that everyone can do – at least half the population (men) are already unqualified for it!

But when it comes to strange ways to make money…this is pretty high on the list!

Yes, amazingly, you really can make money selling your breast milk.

The World Health Organisation has said that the best food for a newborn infant is breast milk from another healthy mother if the infant’s mother cannot breastfeed herself, which has resulted in a demand for healthy breast milk.

You’re able to donate to UK milk banks but you won’t get paid for this, or you can sell your breast milk online.

Sites like allow you to post an ad online and wait for a response from someone who requires breast milk.

You can make good money as well, at the moment four fluid ounces of milk are being sold for £15.

There are genuine concerns, however, about people who buy breast milk online. Buyers are rarely sure of the health of the mother they’re buying from and so risk getting milk contaminated by drugs or infections


Weird Ways to Make Money UK: Would you believe that professional mourners have been around for over 2,000 years? In fact, they even have an official title, ‘moirologists’.

Whilst it’s had a long history in Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, and Chinese cultures, though,  it’s still relatively unknown in the UK.

But things are slowly changing, with bookings increasing and the number of foreign nationals living here ever-increasing.

There’s even an Essex-based site called Rent a Mourner which providers mourners for funerals.

If you think this is something you’d like to do, it’s probably not going to be easy to find work but you may have luck and earn some extra money for your services.


Weird Ways to Make Money UK: If you’re a big gamer then making money playing video games is probably the ultimate dream.

But it doesn’t have to be just a dream.

There are, in fact, several ways you can make money playing videos. Some of these ways will just supplement your income, but others can be full-time money makers.

If you just want to make a bit extra money from your hobby, why not set up a gaming blog? You’ll be able to put some adverts on it so once it begins to get a lot of visitors you’ll start to make money.

Or, if you prefer making videos to writing up articles, you can upload videos to YouTube or and see how much you can make there.

If you want to make serious money with video games, though, then why not become a video game tester with a starting salary of between £12,000 – £18,000?

There’s also the chance to win BIG money in e-sports tournaments (one winner won $500,000) but you have to be incredibly good to win!


Did you know you can earn up to £4,000 taking part in clinical trials?

Actually, you might do. Clinical trials are already popular so you might find it odd that it is in our list of strange ways to make money. But frankly, we think it’s pretty strange that people are willing to put all sorts of odd drugs in their bodies for money.

However, when you see the money people can potentially make, it looks a little less strange!

Most clinical trials are Phase One drug testing, meaning you’re one of the first humans to try a drug.

So if the idea of being a human guinea pig fills you with terror, then this probably isn’t the thing for you.

But if you understand the risk and are still happy to go ahead with it, there is certainly money to be made. You can earn anything from a few hundred pounds to a few thousand pounds for a few days’ testing.

For example, Trials4us does overnight trials that pay £120 for every 24 hours you spend with them. FluCamp in London offers up to £3,750 for taking part in their studies, but to do so you will have to contract some kind of cold, flu, or respiratory virus. Ugh!


Unusual Ways to Make Money UK: The first of our list of strange ways to make money is a money-making opportunity you probably haven’t heard of: being a friend.

Yes, there are people out there who will pay you a fee to be their ‘friend.’

What does it involve?

Whatever the person wants – whether it be someone to show them around the area, to go the cinema with, a workout buddy, an instructor, or even a wingman!

If this sounds like an interesting way of making money you should sign yourself up to Rent a Friend.

It’s absolutely free to join and you keep 100% of everything you earn, only people looking for a friend pay.

People tend to charge anything from £5 – £30 an hour for their time, so there is good money to be made.

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