Google Ads Video Certification Knowledge Check Assessment Answers

Google Ads Video Certification Knowledge Check Assessment Answers 2021

Google Ads Video Certification Knowledge Check Assessment Answers: This exam is optional but it helps you prepare for the main certification exam. This exam contains 24 questions and you cannot review the answers which you have already answered before. There is no time limit for the exam. If you fail on your first try then you can retake the exam after 24 hours.

Google Ads Video Certification Knowledge Check Assessment Answers

This post contains all the answers to the Google Ads Video Certification Knowledge Check Assessment exam. If you want the answers to the main Google Ads Video Certification exam.

Google Ads Video Certification Knowledge Check Assessment Questions and Answers

Q.1 – True Or False? Google Audiences Are Updated On Every Impression, So Advertisers Can Reach Only The Most Relevant Consumers On YouTube.

  • (A) True
  • (B) False

Q.2 – Which Of The Following Is Not An Example Of Detailed Demographics?

  • (A) Car ownership status
  • (B) Homeownership status
  • (C) Marital status
  • (D) Parenting stages

Q.3 – You Want To Find New, High-Value Customers Using Their Data. Which Audience Solution Should You Use?

  • (A) Affinity
  • (B) Customer Match
  • (C) In-Market
  • (D) Similar Audiences

Q.4 – You Want To Re-Engage With People From Your CRM Database That Bought Something From Your Website In The Past Six Months. Which Audience Solution Should You Use?

  • (A) Affinity
  • (B) Custom Affinity
  • (C) Customer Match
  • (D) In-Market

Q.5 – You Want To Reach People Who Are Searching For Content About The Manchester United Football Club. Which Audience Solution Should You Use?

  • (A) Affinity
  • (B) Custom Affinity
  • (C) Customer Match
  • (D) Detailed Demographics

Q.6 – The Four Essential Freedoms That Define YouTube’s Values Are Freedom Of Expression, Freedom Of Opportunity, Freedom Of Information, And Freedom To Belong.

  • (A) True
  • (B) False

Q.7 – Which Of The Following Is Not A Top Reason Why Users Choose YouTube?

  • (A) To connect with a community
  • (B) To engage with creators
  • (C) To upload photos
  • (D) To watch rich and diverse content

Q.8 – Which Of These Is Not An Example Of Advanced Audiences?

  • (A) Affinity
  • (B) In-market
  • (C) Life events
  • (D) Males 21-34

Q.9 – How Can You Create Video Ads To Maximize Effectiveness On YouTube?

  • (A) Build from the ground up rather than modifying your TV spot
  • (B) Repurpose your TV spots on YouTube – it’s all video
  • (C) Cut your TV spot into :30 and :15 video ads
  • (D) Rebuild your TV spots into :30, :15 and :06 video ads

Q.10 – How Can You Produce Video Ads To Perform Well On YouTube?

  • (A) Frame widely and pace quickly
  • (B) Frame tightly and pace quickly
  • (C) Frame tightly and pace moderately
  • (D) Frame widely and pace moderately

Q.11 – According To Ipsos Eye-Tracking Research, Approximately How Much TV Advertising Goes Unseen?

  • (A) 25%
  • (B) 40%
  • (C) 55%
  • (D) 70%

Q.12 – Which Is A Best Practice For Creating Effective Bumper Ads?

  • (A) Build a single bumper ad to convey your entire message
  • (B) Cut down your :30 TV spot
  • (C) Don’t include branding
  • (D) Focus on a single product, feature, or brand message

Q.13 – Which Report Shows How Long A Video Was Watched In Aggregate?

  • (A) Analytics report
  • (B) Audience report
  • (C) Audience retention report
  • (D) Watch time report

Q.14 – Which YouTube Storytelling Technique Describes When A Video Ad Changes Based On A Person’s Viewing Context?

  • (A) Tease, amplify, echo
  • (B) The direct shot
  • (C) The follow-up
  • (D) The mini-series

Q.15 – Your Client Is An Online Car Marketplace. Which Audience Solution Can Help Your Client’s Campaign Reach People In The Car Buying Process?

  • (A) Consumer patterns
  • (B) Custom affinity audiences
  • (C) In-market audiences
  • (D) Life Events

Q.16 – Match Each Ad Format To Its Primary Marketing Objective. Drag And Drop Each Item Into The Correct Box.

The correct Match is:

  • (1) TrueView for action – Action
  • (2) Bumpers – Awareness
  • (3) Masthead – Awareness
  • (4) TrueView discovery – Consideration

Q.17 – Match Each Type Of TrueView Ad To Its Bidding Approach.

The correct Match is:

  • (1)  TrueView for reach – CPM
  • (2) TrueView for action – CPA
  • (3) TrueView discovery – CPA
  • (4) TrueView in-stream – CPV

Q.18 – True Or False? TrueView Ads On Google Video Partners Drive As Much Lift In Ad Recall As TrueView On YouTube.

  • (A) True
  • (B) False

Q.19 – Where Does A YouTube Masthead Ad Unit Run?

  • (A) Across specific sites within the Google Display Network
  • (B) YouTube homepage
  • (C) YouTube search results page
  • (D) YouTube watch page

Q.20 – Which Ad Format Typically Has The Lowest CPM Among In-Stream Video Ads And Is Also Eligible To Serve More Frequently, Particularly On Mobile Devices?

  • (A) Bumpers
  • (B) Masthead
  • (C) TrueView discovery
  • (D) TrueView in-stream

Q.21 – Custom Intent Audiences Allows Advertisers To Reach Users On YouTube That Were Previously Searching For Particular Queries Across Which Of The Following Properties?

  • (A) YouTube mobile app
  • (B) Google Display Network
  • (C) Google Search
  • (D) All of the above

Q.22 – Online Conversions Measured For TrueView For Action Come From Three Different Events. Match Each Event To Its Correct Conversion Type.

The correct Match is:

  • (1) Click-through conversion – User clicks on an element of the ad and converts within 30 days 
  • (2) View-through conversion – User sees an impression of the ad and converts within 24 hours 
  • (3) Video engagement – User watches 10 seconds of the ad and converts within three days

Q.23 – What Type Of Advertiser Is A Good Fit For TrueView For Action?

  • (A) Advertiser looking to improve their brand image
  • (B) An advertiser who’s looking for the brand impact such as driving Brand Lift metrics
  • (C) An advertiser who’s looking to drive clicks to their website for on-site conversions
  • (D) An advertiser who’s looking to maximize reach and cares about driving views

Q.24 – YouTube For Action Is Comprised Of Formats Powered By Smart Bidding For Conversions Or Conversion Values. What Two Elements Are Necessary For Its Success?

  • (A) Advertiser must have run video ads before
  • (B) Advertiser must use DV360 for measurement
  • (C) Intent-rich audiences
  • (D) Lower funnel measurement

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