Socrates Quiz: Socrates Quiz Questions and Answers

Socrates Quiz

Socrates (470–399 BC) Would have been glad to see his philosophy of exploratory learning that underlies Socrates; an easy-to-use resource for teacher quizzes. These are the questions Socrates asked the Athenians in search of knowledge. Ask Socrates Quiz a question and the app will find the best online resources for learning concepts. Much of what people know about Socrates today comes from two other ancient philosophers: Plato and Xenophon. 

Socrates Quiz

Using Socrative Quiz, you can test your students' knowledge to measure their current level, test learning concepts during class, and add classroom interaction with students responding via their mobile devices. He wants to use the abbreviated quiz to test students' knowledge at the beginning of the class, and then again at the end to assess what the class subsequently learned. Kitty goes into Socrative and sets up a quiz or virtual room with multiple choice questions. 

In short, we can say that without the works of Greek philosophers, modern science in the form in which we know it today probably would not exist, therefore it is even more important to study the life and work of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and many others. ... Many people still wonder if modern people can trust what they know about Socrates. For more guidance on this topic, try the Socrates Paradox quiz in Phil. They challenged these beliefs, thereby breaking tradition and proposing new methodological approaches. 

Students in this course must understand many molecular analyzes in order to answer questions about experimental analysis and design. To find the most important, Socrates used the so-called Socratic method. In 7.28 / 7.58, students are required to answer the low-level questions on the MITx course site about each lesson before starting the next lesson. The assignment was an adaptive quiz in which you had to answer questions until you “level up”. 

One of the most consistent ways to improve your knowledge is to correctly answer the question teachers ask you in class. Four days after the deadline for each problem series, 2.01 students are given a quiz that tests the concept of the problem series. 

For this reason, many experts call Socrates the father of Western philosophy. Plato became a keen and talented student of Socrates and wrote a famous dialogue with his teacher, verbally fighting against his opponents. However, many experts believe that Socrates does not consider himself a teacher. 

In La Repubblica, Socrates' healthy city and Plato's' ideal city 'are one and the same. For this reason, today no one has ever read anything that came directly from Socrates himself. 

The answers are taken from similar sources created by Quizlet and students like us. According to Socrates, everyone is seeking. What is most useful to yourself. Choose the correct answer to each of the following questions by clicking the corresponding button. After entering the answer, you will receive the test result immediately. 

This feedback system really helped students learn from their mistakes. Persona 5 Test Answers is perhaps the most realistic part of the game, where teachers challenge you in class with a quick academic puzzle or you have to take exams every two months. On the other hand, if you did not do well, spend a little more time on the book and then repeat the entire test with an open book. 
It should be noted that if you are looking for the "Persona 5 Royal" test, the answer will be different. Elsewhere, learn how to make the most of your free time with all the Confidant, Social Link and Romance options. This is the best way to enhance your social traits such as knowledge, courage, ability, kindness and charisma, and create better results through the integration of exams, cheating, etc. 

The role of and our test answers, such as getting memory requests, unlocking the entire trophy list, and information about the upcoming DLC ​​schedule. Like Plato, you write an article (2 pages) describing your ideal society. 

He became the highly paid teacher of Alexander the Great, arguably the highest paid philosopher in history. This is a region of central Greece that was in no hurry to participate in the philosophical game. One of the symbols of many of the students he encouraged is the "Tree of Hippocrates," on which students sit under a tree and listen to him. 

Philosophers (4th – 3rd centuries BC) defined logos as a rational and spiritual active principle that permeates all reality. The Hippocrates School of Medicine radically changed the medical system of ancient Greece. The basis of his philosophy is the world of phenomena, the sensory world. 
The Presocrates came from the eastern or western regions of the Greek world. Otherwise, if you need help with other parts of this game, check out our Persona 5 guide and walkthrough. 

Our Persona 5 walkthrough and walkthrough includes detailed monthly roundups with important Palace dates and strategies, as well as how to get the real ending. Persona 5 is full of sophistication, charm, charm, and over 100 hours of gameplay. 

Socrates Quiz Questions and Answers

Our Team has tracked down the right answer to the Question Socrates Quiz Questions and Answers below is the answer for this inquiry, and the right answer is marked as a "Blue Color".

Q. What was Socrates? Choose 2 that apply.

  • Priest
  • Philosopher
  • Historian
  • Teacher

Q. Since Socrates did not write down about his ideas and life, then who let us know about Socrates?

  • Aristotle
  • Alexander the Great
  • Plato
  • His Father

Q. Before Socrates was a philosopher, what job did he have?

  • Stone Mason
  • Hoplite (A Foot Soldier)
  • Priest
  • Explorer

Q. What job did Socrates' parents have? Choose 2 that apply.

  • Father: Wall Builder
  • Father: Stone Mason
  • Mother: Midwife
  • Mother: Priestess

Q. What war did Socrates fight in when he was a hoplite/foot soldier?

  • Persian War
  • Peloponnesian War
  • World War II

Q. Which one of Socrates' students later on tutored Alexander the Great?

  • Plato
  • Socrates
  • Aristotle
  • King Phillip II

Q. What would Socrates rather than writing down about his ideas and life.

  • make a book
  • create a music
  • talk his followers

Q. After he was a philosopher, he became .

  • a midwife, just like his mother.
  • a priest, because the gods chosen him.
  • a stone mason, just like his father.
  • a explorer, since he want to make a new home.

Q. You ask a question, then you answer that question and you make new questions that will lead to new answers. What is this called?

  • Socratic Method
  • Thinking
  • PEMDAS Method
  • Distributive Property

Q. What was Socrates considered as?

  • A Founder of the Western World
  • The First Philosopher
  • A Founder of Western Philosophy
  • The Smartest Person in the World

Q. What was different about Socrates compared to other philosophers?

  • He was not smart.
  • He was hated by people.
  • He didn't write down his ideas or about his life
  • He was a considered god.

Q. When was Socrates born and when was his death? Choose 2 answers that apply.

  • Born in 469 BC
  • Born in 485 BC
  • Death in 201 BC
  • Death in 399 BC

Q. Where was he born and died? There are 2 true answers.

  • Sparta
  • Thebes
  • Egypt
  • Greece
  • Athens
