With dynamic search ads, what does the advertiser provide, Answer

With dynamic search ads, what does the advertiser provide, Answer

With dynamic search ads, what does the advertiser provide

Our Team has tracked down the right answer to the Question With dynamic search ads, what does the advertiser provide?. Below is the answer for this inquiry, and the right answer is marked as a "Blue Color".

With dynamic search ads, what does the advertiser provide, Answer

  • A list of search terms
  • A machine-learning algorithm
  • A headline
  • A list of web pages

Correct Answer Is: D (A List of Web Pages)

You specify the pages of your website, the daily budget, and an ad template. The customer enters their search term in Google Search. If you have content relevant to the search, Google dynamically generates an ad headline and destination URL to the best matching page on your site.

Using Google’s web crawling technology, Dynamic Search Ads indexes your website and uses that index list to ultimately determine if a customer’s search is relevant to your business. If the search term matches the index, Dynamic Search Ads will automatically create a headline and a destination URL customized to the customer search term and will enter a dynamic search ad based on your template into the Google Ads auction.
