Amazon DSP Advanced Certification Exam Answers 2024

Amazon DSP Advanced Certification Exam Answers 2024

Amazon DSP Advanced Certification Exam Answers 2024

Question 1: You can securely transfer audiences from third-party insight providers (DMPs, etc.) to  Amazon DSP via Amazon’s Advertiser Audiences. Which of the following statements is true? Select All Correct Responses

·        Amazon Ads can generate impression forecasts against newly-transferred audiences after 14 days.

·        The audiences are automatically updated daily.

·        DMP audiences will appear in the Amazon DSP within 48 hours and can be immediately applied to campaigns.

·        Newly-transferred DMP audiences will populate in your overlap report after 7 days.



Question 2: Which of the following are short commands or shortcuts for commands passed to  Amazon DSP to enhance ad line and creative monitoring capabilities externally, without the need to generate multiple third-party tag sets.

·        Click tags

·        Server-to-server integrations

·        Impression tags

·        Creative macros

Question 3: What advertiser insights can you use to build lookalike audiences?

·        DMP-transferred audiences or advertiser hashed-customer list

·        All of these

·        Pixel seed audiences

·         Amazon Advertising tag remarketing audiences

Question 4: Is it a best practice to select multiple private marketplaces deals on the same line item?

·        No. You should separate deals into their own line items. Deals can have varying floors which can require customized settings for each line item.

·        Yes. You should group all deals into a single line since it saves time.

·        Yes.  Amazon DSP will know the specific bid settings for the various deals running on the same line item.

Question 5: Select all settings you must adjust when setting up a private marketplace deal in Amazon DSP.

·        Supply source

·        Preferred deal vs. private deal

·        Fixed vs. floor price

·        Seat ID

Question 6:  Amazon Ads is integrated with multiple supply-side platforms (SSPs), meaning you can easily access your negotiated inventory with third-party suppliers via Amazon DSP, and run all of your campaign strategies in one place.

·        True

·        False

Question 7: Which of the following are true?

·        All of these are true.

·        If a third-party pixel is appended on a creative, and  Amazon Ads has a server-to-server integration with that third-party, the creative will not be approved. You will need to remove the pixel, and instead append the adapter URL.

·        Amazon Ads allows advertisers to run third-party served creatives as long as the ad servers are on the list of approved vendors.

·        Using invalid macros in creatives will cause the ad to be rejected.

Question 8: If you select “Maximize performance” as the bid strategy in order settings, but uncheck “bid optimization models,” what happens?

·        The  Amazon DSP will adjust bids based on the likelihood of conversion.

·        The Amazon DSP will bid the max bid for all impressions.

·        The  Amazon DSP will adjust bids to ensure the campaign delivers the full budget.

·        The Amazon DSP will bid the base bid for all impressions.

Question 9: If you associate two pixels to an order, and they both have the same event type, the combined ad-attributed conversions for both those pixels will be aggregated into one column in reporting.

·        False

·        True

Question 10: Amazon Publisher Services (APS) allows Amazon DSP advertisers to have direct access to premium publisher inventory for increased efficiency and performance without supply-side fees.

·        False

·        True

Question 11: If you use third-party served creatives in  Amazon DSP, which of the following policies are true?

·        When directing to an  Amazon Ads site for mobile in-app ads with third-party tags, Amazon Ads requires using a 1×1 pixel and not a redirect.

·        If you are running creatives served through a third-party on eligible Amazon DSP inventory, you will need to append your third-party tag in the tag source section of creative settings.

·        All content must be served from the ad server’s domain and may not call from other domains. Only secured calls (https://) are accepted.

·        Amazon Ads accepts third-party hosted creative libraries from all third-party ad servers.

Question 12: Which activity provides a stronger signal of an ad’s impact on a conversion.

·        All-up conversion

·        Post-view conversion

·        Pre-view conversion

·        Post-click conversion

Question 13: This type of pixel can be generated by navigating to the events tab in  Amazon DSP.

·        Both simple pixel and AAt

·        Floodlight pixel

·         Amazon Advertising tag (AAt)

·        Simple pixel

Question 14: If you have an existing server-to-server integration with a third-party measurement provider, you must use the adapter URL Amazon Ads provides, you cannot use a pixel.

·        True

·        False

Question 15: Amazon Ads allows you to build and engage with audiences that have streamed content on Twitch, based on channels, genres, and games, with a 180-day lookback window.

·        False

·        True

Question 16: Using the audience builder in Amazon DSP, you are able to create custom audiences based on which of the following? Select All Correct Responses

·        All of these

·        Product purchases

·        Brand views

·        Searches

Question 17: Which is a tool where advertisers buy ads in an automated fashion?

·        Bid request

·        Supply-side platfrom (SSP)

·        Demand-side platform (DSP)

·        Model-predicted action

Question 18: If you want to control your pacing and performance trade-off for your advertising campaign, what is the best option to choose in order settings?

·        Max bid

·        “While spending full budget, maximize performance” bid strategy

·        “Maximize performance” bid strategy

·        Automated budget optimization

Question 19:  Amazon Ads enables you to create brand-based audiences around which of the following behavior types? Select All Correct Responses

·        All of these

·        Brand views

·        Brand purchases

·        Similar brand views

Question 20: An advertiser is looking to secure inventory on the homepage of and wants to buy it for $20 CPM. Entering into which type of private marketplace deal with the publisher would guarantee their inventory at a fixed price?

·        Preferred deal

·        Private auction deal

·        Advertiser first deal

·        Prime day deal

Question 21: Advertiser A bids $0.45, Advertiser B bids $0.65, and Advertiser C bids $1.05. Which of the following is true in a second-price auction?

·        Advertiser C wins and pays $1.05.

·        Advertiser C wins and pays $0.66.

·        Advertiser C wins and pays $0.65.

·        Advertiser B wins and pays $0.66.

Question 22: Which audience type drives consideration for your brand, by engaging users that have regularly demonstrated shopping behaviors reflective of broad interest groups, like tech enthusiasts and foodies.

·        Lifestyle audiences

·        In-market audiences

·        Life event audiences

·        Demographic audiences

Question 23:  Amazon Advertising tag (AAt) supports conversion insights. Therefore, you do not need to use a simple conversion pixel for conversion insights, optimization, and reporting.

·        True

·        False

Question 24:  Amazon Advertising tag (AAt) supports conversion insights.

·        False

·        True

Question 25: Third-party video creative type supports which of the following third-party tags?

·        All of the these

·        VAST 2

·        VPAID Flash

·        VPAID JS

Question 26: When directing to an Amazon Ads site for mobile in-app ads with a third-party tag, you can use a 1×1 pixel or a redirect.

·        False

·        True

Question 27: Choosing this simple pixel type allows you to manage fewer pixels and gives more flexibility when embedding them.

·        Remarketing pixel

·        None of these

·        Conversion pixel

·        Conversion and remarketing pixel

Question 28: How will conversions be impacted (if at all) after a campaign ends?

·        All of these may occur.

·        The last set of conversion insights will come in 14 days before the campaign ends.

·        There may be conversion insights coming in after a campaign ends due to the 14-day lookback window.

·        There should be no conversion insights coming in after a campaign ends.

Question 29: Attribution reinstatements occur 10 days, 2 weeks, and 4 weeks after the original conversion is attributed to a campaign. This process then occurs on a rolling basis following each reinstatement.

·        True

·        False

Question 30: A customer views an ad, clicks on the ad, and then makes a purchase. What type of activity is this?

·        Post-click conversion

·        All-up conversion

·        Pre-view conversion

·        Post-view conversion

Question 31: What is  Amazon DSP’s attribution lookback window?

·        1 day

·        14 days

·        7 days

·        30 days

Question 32: When are conversions for  Amazon DSP campaigns reported?

·        1 day after the conversion

·        On the day of the conversion

·        The date the impression was served

·        1 day after the impression was served

Question 33: Which of the below is NOT considered a conversion metric?

·        Impressions

·        Pixel conversions

·        Purchases

·        Detail page views

Question 34: Which of the below statements is true for private auction deals?

·        Private auction deals allow you to pay a varied CPM across multiple sites.

·        Private auction deals give an exclusive group of advertiser’s priority to bid on the open inventory.

·        Private auction deals work on a 1st price auction where the highest bidder wins the impression, and pays the highest bid.

·        Private auction deals work on a 2nd price auction where the highest bidder wins the impression, but pays the 2nd highest bid.

Question 35: You are running a campaign with the bid strategy “Maximize performance,” and your campaign is under-pacing, but you are hitting your goal KPI. What is an optimization you can implement to improve pacing?

·        Increase your base bid.

·        Lower your base bid.

·        Add daily budget caps to your order.

·        Remove the lowest-performing supply source.

Question 36: Which auction type is a digital buying model where the highest bidder above the floor price wins the auction, and pays exactly the amount they bid?

·        Second-price auction

·        Third-price auction

·        First-price auction

Question 37: Lifestyle audiences can be used to drive brand awareness, and for advertising everyday products and services such as B2B courier services, organic produce, etc.

·        True

·        False

Question 38:  Amazon Garage, Twitch, Whole Foods Market, and  Amazon Fresh stores are examples of which type of audience?

·        Custom audiences

·        Standard audiences

·        Channel-based audiences

·        None of these

Question 39: Bulksheets are which file format?

·        .dsp

·        .tsv

·        .csv

·        .xls

Question 40: When using Amazon Advertising tag (AAt), you must install event code on each page of your website where the user action takes place or use a tag manager to ensure AAt is placed on each page.

·        False

·        True

Question 41: You can append a third-party tag to a mobile Amazon Ads owned and operated creative to enable you to pull viewability reporting in the third-party’s portal.

·        False

·        True

Question 42: Bulksheets are recommended to manage:

·        None of these

·        Campaign optimizations

·        Reporting

·        Campaign creation

Question 43: When you’re creating a simple pixel in  Amazon DSP, which of the following is true?

·        You will need to create both remarketing and lookalike audiences separately in the audience’s tab of  Amazon DSP.

·        To create a remarketing audience based on pixel exposure, go into the audience’s tab of Amazon DSP.

·        You can create a remarketing audience at the same time as you create the pixel through the pixels tab of Amazon DSP.

Question 44: Which of the following are reasons your private marketplace deal may not be bidding?

·        The line item has already reached its frequency cap for that user; therefore, the line item is not considered.

·        The geo location of the line item overlaps with the location properties of the request.

·        The  Amazon Ads viewability threshold set for the line item did not meet the estimated viewability score of the request, therefore the line item is not considered.

·        The order has already reached its frequency cap for that user; therefore, the line item is not considered.

Question 45: You can download campaign settings and upload modifications via bulksheets in either your advertiser or order view.

·        True

·        False

Question 46: Creative macros can be used to allow third-parties to view metrics to provide greater visibility into third-party creatives served through  Amazon DSP.

·        False

·        True

Question 47: A customer purchases a product from your brand that is not a tracked ASIN for your campaign. The purchase will be counted as a brand halo purchase, allowing you to understand the overall lift in brand-wide conversions from your campaign.

·        False

·        True

Question 48: Simple pixels can capture attributes such as page type and purchase value, which  Amazon Advertising tags (AAt) can’t, making remarketing easier with simple pixels.

·        False

·        True

Question 49: Your order is running the “While spending full budget, maximize performance” bid strategy and opted into “bid optimization models.” The lines in your order start under-pacing. This will most likely cause which of the following?

·        The  Amazon DSP will increase submitted bids for most impressions.

·        The Amazon DSP will increase the model-predicted action for most impressions.

·        The Amazon DSP will decrease the model-predicated action for most impressions.

·        The Amazon DSP will decrease submitted bids for most impressions.

Question 50: All lines in an order are opted into budget optimization, but the most efficient line has the lowest allocated budget. What is an optimization you could make to help allocate more budget to that top-performing line?

·        Remove the lowest performing audiences on the top-performing line.

·        Increase the base bid on the top-performing line.

·        Decrease the base bid on the top-performing line.

·        Tighten frequency from “3 per 1 day” to “1 per 1 day” on the top-performing line.

Question 51: For your campaign to receive credit for conversions, you must associate the appropriate ASINs or pixels to your campaign in order settings.

·        False

·        True

Question 52: Ads are only eligible for conversions if users have either clicked or viewed the ads.

·        False

·        True

Question 53: You can set up a private marketplace deal manually or through an API.

·        False

·        True

Question 54: Which type of  Amazon audience segment should you use when trying to drive sales of a new product?

·        Lifestyle audiences

·        In-market audiences

·        Interest-based audiences

·        Life event audiences

Question 55: Which of the following is an insight that is collected through  Amazon DSP’s Amazon Advertising tag (AAt) solution?

·        Tag-specific insights

·        Anything presents in HTTP headers

·        Advertiser-defined insights

·        All of these

Question 56: Which of the below scenarios is correct based on the below shopper journey for ads served in Amazon DSP?

·        July 3rd: Desktop display ad view –>

·        July 24th: Mobile display ad click –>

·        July 25th: Video ad view –>

·        July 30th: Purchase made

·        July 3rd desktop display ad view receives credit in  Amazon DSP reporting.

·        All interactions will receive credit in Amazon DSP reporting.

·        July 24th mobile display ad click receives credit in Amazon DSP reporting.

·        July 25th video ad view receives credit in  Amazon DSP reporting.

Question 57: You can modify parameters to include in bulksheet downloads.

·        False

·        True

Question 58: To create a remarketing audience based on pixel exposure, go into the audience’s tab of Amazon DSP.

·        False

·        True

Question 59: You can use mobile advertising IDs as a file type to create hashed audiences

·        False

·        True

Question 60: Attribution restatements occur 10 days, 2 weeks, and 4 weeks after the original conversion is attributed to a campaign.

·        True

·        False

Question 61: If  Amazon Ads has an existing server-to-server integration with a third-party measurement provider, you must use the adapter URL Amazon Ads provides, you cannot use a pixel.

·        True

·        False

Question 62: Creative macros are short commands or shortcuts for commands used to pass back metrics to a third party.

·        True

·        False

Question 63:  Amazon DSP supports creation of lookalike audiences from:

·        Hashed audiences.

·        All of the above

·        Simple pixel or Amazon Advertising tag events.

·        Audiences transferred from DMPs.

Question 64: You can download campaign settings and upload modifications via bulksheets in either your advertiser, order, or entity view.

·        True

·        False

Question 65: Which setting must you adjust when setting up a private marketplace deal in  Amazon DSP?

·        Deal ID

·        All of these are true

·        Supply source

·        Preferred deal vs. private deal

Question 66: Please select all of the pixel solutions offered by the Amazon DSP.

·        Simple pixel

·        Amazon Smart cookie

·        Amazon Ads tag (AAt)

·         Amazon Pixel Pro

Question 67: You can download or upload bulksheets across advertisers within the same entity.

·        False

·        True

Question 68: Which simple pixel selections provide flexibility after the pixel is created?

·        Conversion pixel

·        Conversion and remarketing pixel

·        None of these

·        Remarketing pixel

Question 69: Which of the below scenarios is correct based on the below shopper journey for ads served in  Amazon DSP? July 3rd: Desktop display ad view –> July 24th: Mobile display ad click –> July 25th: Video ad view –> July 30th: Purchase made

·        July 3rd desktop display ad view receives credit in Amazon DSP reporting.

·        All interactions will receive credit in Amazon DSP reporting.

·        July 24th mobile display ad click receives credit in Amazon DSP reporting.

·        July 25th video ad view receives credit in Amazon DSP reporting.

Question 70: With Amazon Advertising tag (AAt), you can capture hundreds of events using one pixel and use them for creating multiple audiences.

·        True

·        False

Question 71: Which of the following is an insight collected through  Amazon DSP’s Amazon Advertising tag (AAt) solution?

·        Advertiser-defined insights

·        Tag-specific insights

·        Anything presents in HTTP headers

·        All of these

Question 72: By choosing the “While spending full budget, maximize performance” bid strategy, you want to maximize your campaign performance at a given base bid.

·        False

·        True

Question 73: Which bid strategy would you require to frequently monitor and optimize in order to balance performance and spend?

·        Max bid

·        “While spending full budget, maximize performance” bid strategy

·        “Maximize performance” bid strategy

·        Automated budget optimization

Question 74: All content must be served from the ad server’s domain and may not call from other domains.

·        False

·        True

Question 75: An advertising agency is simultaneously running 25 campaigns for their client. While they want to maximize performance, they also want to minimize manual campaign manipulation. Which optimization strategy should they choose?

·        While spending full budget, maximize performance

·        Maximize performance

Question 76: Which of the following are reasons your private marketplace deal may not be bidding? Select All Correct Responses

·        The line item has already reached its frequency cap for that user; therefore, the line item is not considered.

·        The geo location of the line item overlaps with the location properties of the request.

·        The  Amazon Ads viewability threshold set for the line item did not meet the estimated viewability score of the request, therefore the line item is not considered.

·        The order has already reached its frequency cap for that user; therefore, the line item is not considered.

Question 77: Bulksheets are recommended to manage: Select All Correct Responses

·        None of these

·        Campaign optimizations

·        Reporting

·        Campaign creation

Question 78: Which of the below statements is true for private auction deals? Select All Correct Responses

·        Private auction deals allow you to pay a varied CPM across multiple sites.

·        Private auction deals give an exclusive group of advertiser’s priority to bid on the open inventory.

·        Private auction deals work on a 1st price auction where the highest bidder wins the impression, and pays the highest bid.

·        Private auction deals work on a 2nd price auction where the highest bidder wins the impression, but pays the 2nd highest bid.

Question 79: If you use third-party served creatives in  Amazon DSP, which of the following policies are true? Select All Correct Responses

·        When directing to an  Amazon Ads site for mobile in-app ads with third-party tags, Amazon Ads requires using a 1×1 pixel and not a redirect.

·        If you are running creatives served through a third-party on eligible Amazon DSP inventory, you will need to append your third-party tag in the tag source section of creative settings.

·        All content must be served from the ad server’s domain and may not call from other domains. Only secured calls https is accepted.

·        Amazon Ads accepts third-party hosted creative libraries from all third-party ad servers.

Question 80: Select all settings you must adjust when setting up a private marketplace deal in  Amazon DSP. Select All Correct Responses

·        Supply source

·        Preferred deal vs. private deal

·        Fixed vs. floor price

·        Seat ID


