Make Money Online as a Mock Juror (8 Websites that Pay)

There are many creative ways to make money online, one of them is participating as an online mock juror and giving verdicts.

So the question is who is a mock juror and what do they do? In simple terms, a mock jury is a research group of individuals that allows lawyers to prepare for their cases before the actual trial. These jurors are people hired by the lawyers to take part in a mock trial. Their job is to sit through the proceeding and give their feedback or verdict.

There are a few companies that pay people to work as mock jurors. However, to become an online juror, you must first fulfill some basic requirements.

According to the company terms, the participants have to be 18 years of age, they must be US citizens, they should have any legal charges on them and should be able to read and write. If you fulfill the basic requirements you are eligible to apply for these jobs.

List of Mock Jury Websites that Pay

Out of a lot of websites for mock juror research, we have handpicked the very best. Here’s a list of websites that you can join as an online juror and start earning online.

  1. eJury

    eJury is an online focus group research company that helps attorneys in their cases. The company helps provide a number of people for mock trials conducted by the attorneys. They hire around 40-50 people to become part of their online jurors.

    To participate in an online jury, you can simply sign up on their website. As soon as any new case is posted in your area, the said participants will be notified via email. Simply accept the email and then you can review the documents on the website. As a mock juror, you have to read the document carefully and answer questions. After answering, simply hit submit and you are done.

    The company pays its jurors, though PayPal. Depending on the length of the case, the jurors can get paid between $5 – $10 per case.

  2. OnlineVerdict

    OnlineVerdict is another online focus group research website. They hire people to become online jurors for mock jury duty. To work with them you have to sign up on their website. This will require you to provide some basic demographic information. Once a case is posted by an attorney, you will get an email invite to review the case. All you have to do it review the case and answer some questions.

    The company pays its jurors once a month for participating in the mock trails via Check. The payment rate is between $20 – $60 depending on the duration of the trail.

  3. JuryTest

    JuryTest helps lawyers find candidates for its testing trials. Sign up on their website to register as an online juror. To complete your sign up process, you have to give some basic information about yourself. You will get an email to review the case, as soon as anything comes up in your area. After reviewing it, you have to answer a few questions. The company takes your feedback in a number of ways like survey, live chat, or simply recording your voice answers.

    The company pays its jurors for the time spent on the case, so the pay varies. Jurors can expect to get paid between $20 – $50 per trial.

  4. SignUpDirect

    SignUpDirect is another organization that recruits online jurors. To become a juror, you have to sign up on their website. The process works the same way. Once a case is presented, you will be selected randomly according to your demographic information. You then start on the case and answer questions and you are done.

    The company pays its jurors on an hourly basis. They pay around $12 per hour.

  5. ResolutionResearch

    ResolutionResearch is a market research company. They handle all kinds of market research, including healthcare, education, retail, etc. They also have a mock jury recruitment research program, that is dedicated to finding users for mock trials. To become a part of their online jury, simply sign up on their website. According to the requirements posted, the company will choose you based on the information you’ve given.

    ResolutionResrach pays its mock jurors anything from $5 – $300. The amount depends on the complexity of the research study. They pay their users with Check or Visa cash cards.

  6. JurySignUp

    JurySignUp is another focus group research organization. The company hires people for practice trials. To become a mock juror, signup on their website. If you get selected for a new case, you will be contacted via email to take part in a mock trial.

    The company pays its jurors $100 per case.

  7. VerdictServices

    VerdictServices is a company dedicated to recruiting jurors for mock trials and focus groups. To sign up, go to their website’s contact page and sign up. The company also recruits jurors through their third part website called TrialJurors. You can signup on that website as well.

    The company pays its participants anywhere between $100 – $150, depending on the time spent on the trial session.

  8. JurySolutions

    JurySolutions is also another great option for participating in focus group research as a mock juror. The company has two types of project cases; some are online cases while some are cases where you have to be present as a person. A normal case can last up to 8 hours. To register yourself, you can apply on their website.

    The company pays its jurors $20 per hour. So the longer you attend, the more money you make.

Before applying to these websites, you must remember, just by registering yourself you cannot guarantee yourself getting selected for jury research. Selection depends on your profile and geographic location. Though its an interesting online opportunity, it’s also a little tricky to get the job.

If you happen to be a lawyer looking for freelance work, here’s a list of 6 ways for lawyers to make money online.

If you have participated as a mock juror before for a company, please share your experience with us in the comments section below.
