How to Create an App for Free without Coding (Android / IOS / Windows) in Just A Few Minutes

How to Create Mobile Apps for Android Free without Coding

How to Create an App for Free without Coding

How to Create an App for Free without Coding skills with this method you can create apps for Android iOS with zero coding skills and also you can make money with the apps you created and I will talk about monetizing your app at the end of the video so please stick to the end and if you find this video helpful then please share it with your friends sharing is always free it doesn't cost you anything so with that being said let's begin.

How to Make an App for Free without Coding

Let's just get started with the app making process let me go to a peep icon and click on get started okay so we write the name of the app all right my first app okay so it has given me the categories that are things that are most relevant irrelevant to my the name of my app so it just gave me according to what it thinks it should be so I have the option to go for more categories and there are tons of categories insurance law firm contractor author fitness travel there are tons of options here so let's just go with business okay I will go next okay. 

How to Create Mobile Apps for Android Free without Coding

So here we have the design of the app it is showing us that it wants it like that you want it like that I mean do you want the options to be at the bottom or so I'll select this one there are tons of more layouts available which you can I mean this one is cool color list queue yeah I'll just go with the bottom one okay so now on this page you can configure the feature that you want in your application so there are these ones that are already added to your app as you can see here about us website one touch inquire contact yours.

So let's just remove this 100 there is the delete button yes and let's go on ahead and add something else so we will add the social media feature Lincoln yeah it's a bit professional so we add the LinkedIn here as you can see that there we have the Lincoln madam so we will go on okay one more thing we have the system pages you know login you have to specify the login criteria to log in the page sign in these diseases options many options here sign up now you know you sign up page what it shows on the signup page only forgot password page payment settings and everything else.

How to Create Free Android App Without Coding Video Tutorial

So there is the page title and color scheme you can go on and customize that it has tons of features tons of options here the color background color text color and everything even the indenting of the page of the elements so let's just go ahead and save and continue okay so, for now, you just have to sign up or login so I already have my Facebook ID I'll go on that and just log into my Facebook yeah we're waiting on that okay so it is showing some plans just waiting on it to show the free option we stay on this page a little longer and it will show us the free option.

How to Create a Mobile App for Free and Make Money

Yeah, it shows the free you know you stay on this place long enough and it shows any free plan so we go on the start free plan now and it is building the application both on Android and on iOS iPhones Apple so we just give it a few minutes five to 10 minutes maybe you okay so our anger gap is complete and there is a QR code we can that QR code through our mobile phones and we will be able to download the app already have to link below open it on your mobile device and it will open it install the application and you know you can also receive the email type in your email address over here or receive the link through the SMS by inputting your phone number over here so let's just wait for the iOS app to be completed to okay so same goes here for the iOS app we have a link a QR code an option for an email and an SMS option also so the application has completed.

How can I create Android Apps without Coding for Free

We can download it on our mobile devices and let's go ahead and examine the dashboard so on the dashboard we have a lot of option you can create a new app we have account settings domain settings and my apps the app that I just created is in there so there is an editor option you can change the feature of the app you can test the application you can and there is a website option you know template it's just like hosting like web hosting for your application so you can monetize your app marketing promotion there are also options for SEO and analytics so that was a tutorial for a people so guys that is how you can create an app without coding now let me tell you how you can make money with your app.

Well there are a lot of ways to earn money from an app the best way is inserting ads inside the app and the second one is selling apps on Fiverr these days most of the people on Fiverr are doing the same things so they make apps using these sites and sell them to the customer if their customer-facing any problem the seller simply powers the problem to do supporting of these sites and there are more ways to monetize your apps just go on google and search ways to monetize your app you will find multiple ways to earn cash from your app so there you have it guys this is how you can create an app without coding skills.

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