How to Create a Fillable PDF in Canva

How to Create a Fillable PDF in Canva

How to Make Fillable PDF in Canva

hello and welcome to my channel in this  tutorial I'm going to show you How to Create a Fillable PDF in Canva this  is an amazing free resource to create  fillable digital products to sell an  etsy to sell in your online website you  can use it to create opt-in freebies for  your website and email list as well as  just being a great tool to use if you  want to make your own fillable PDF like  planners and calendars so today I'm  going to be creating a fillable goal  planner sheet and the finished product  will be available to download for free.

How to Create a Fillable PDF Using Canva Free Online

And I'll link the planner and the  description box below so if you'd like  that go ahead and click the link and you  can download the planner that I've made  today alright let's get started  so I've logged on to canva and I only  use the free the free canva option I  know that they have a premium option  that you pay I think monthly or but I've  always done really well just being able  to use the free the free platform that  they offer  so I've logged on and over here you can  you know create a design look at  templates have your folders but I'm  going to go over here to custom  dimensions and I'm going to make my new  design as an 8.5 by 11 inch design.

So  this would be really easy to print on  standard printer sheet at home I'm going  to press create a new design so exit I don't like how zoomed out that  is so I'm gonna zoom it into 50% and I  am going to use one of their templates  at first and then adjust it the way that  I want it so I'm going to use this one  so I want to make a goal planner sheet  and it's something I make every day I  have to make lists of the things I want  to accomplish each day and even lists  for the week or lists for the month so  that I kind of can stay on track for  what I would like to get done.

How to Create a Fillable PDF in Canva for Free Online

So this  one I thought was really cute so seize  the day  Allen Aries daily planner I'm probably  going to before I edit those I do want  to get rid of these and add in my own  background images so if you would like  to add your own background images when  you are creating on canva you would go  down to uploads and then you'd upload an  image or video by clicking this however  the images that you use or the the  clipart that you use is going to you're  going to need to have the creative  license to use them to sell if you are  planning on selling them on Etsy or an  online store.

So these clip arts that I  have uploaded I did buy on creative  market and I have a creative or a  commercial license sorry commercial  license to use them to sell but this  planner today is going to be free to  download and I think I would like to use  this one so let's see I wanted to leap  that and then add that in here  and what's all wonky so to use always I  want to rotate it I want to rotate it  but I also want it to be behind so I  want it to be behind this box what I'm  gonna do is right click it send to back  so now it's behind there and I'm going  to do the same up here I'm just going to  drag another one in rotate it.

I might  want to resize these I don't know if  they're showing up how I want them to  Shea might add one here and then send to  back at loops oops how do I undo that  sometimes when you're doing it it will  kind of the whole image will turn really  large and attach to the whole background  and that's not what I want to do so I'll  just bring it up here you'll see send to  back  ah hey did it again why won't you let me  okay there we go  rotate it actually I want to flip this  one so it's mirroring missing flip there  we go so if you have an image that you  need to be facing the other way to  mirror it you just press flip and click  which way you'd like it flipped you send  to back delete that one so these don't  look very even but why okay let slip  again  okay so a little more information about  these you know at an editable oh sorry  not editable so the file that we're  making today is actually going to be fillable.

So what that means is that  these little boxes are going to be able  to be typed typed in so when the person  that you're giving them to receive the  file they'll be able to open it up in  whatever PDF reader that they have and  then they'll be able to just fill in the  boxes that we choose so they won't be  able to change the title they won't be  able to move the flowers or anything  they'll only be able to use it as a  planner I'll say what so they can either  print it and write or they can fill it  and type it in with some neat writing if  that is what they like to do okay the  side looks not very I think I need to do  that okay so we have that and I like the  background I'm going to actually do.

I  like the background let me see I just  say okay yeah that's fine I didn't live  I kind of wanted it to be more I might  move this one to a friend what else kind  of let's see and then I'm going to add one more up  here just going to write it down right  there okay I like that better so I'm  going to adjust this or I'm going to fix  the writing here I'm just going to say  hmm probably just say oh my let me move  oh so now that's to break oh maybe goal  planner goal cleaner maybe daily goal  planning weekly I'll just leave it at  goal ask at oh my gosh my words we'll  just leave it as goal planner right now  and then down here I'll say oh oh that's  kind of cute maybe I'll put okay that's  no big deal  I'll just put here daily planner okay so  right here.

I want to put my goals this one's gonna be daily  checklist so those so my goals I usually  write down like one or two main goals  that I need to get done in the day daily  checklist are just a bunch of things  that we're gonna do okay so daily  checklist maybe we'll put here by week  goals or daily checklist so these are  the things that you really need to get  done that day and the notes to yourself  okay so we have the goal planner the way  we are going to download it as a PDF  standard so this is a small file size I  just want to keep it small you can use  it as a high quality multi-page document  but it's fine to use as a PDF standard  and I'm going to download it  and now we're going to go over to this  website called PDF escape and I will  link it in the description box as well  so this is a free another free resource  and this is where we go to.

Now make the  PDF fillable using canva so I'm just going to choose  my file so now it has opened up my goal  planner now you can see it over here and  now we are going to figure out how to  make these squares an area that people  can type in so the way you do that is  you go over here to form field and there  are different options that you can  choose so it says text text paragraph  checkbox radio drop down list box reset  button submit button I want to do text  paragraph so that people have more so  that it stays in that one box for people  to fill and all you have to do is click  and drag and it's going to already create that box for you.

I'll show you one more time and a text  paragraph again press select I'm going  to start at one of the corners drag it  and then unclick at the next one I'm  going to do it one more time on this big  box okay and so this is all you need you  it didn't actually change it green as  you can see over here it's still going  to be the same color so now we're going  to over here we're going to download it  so you go over here I think this one is  saved this one is download this one is  print so  now I believe it will let me open it up  right now.

Oh so the go hole planner but so this is  a goal planner I opened it up and then  she checks out it's fillable you type  over here so I clicked on it I'm able to  type it so my big goals like daily  checklist so I'll just type my big goals  like a planner daily checklist eat  breakfast so you can just type in what  you'd like alright and that is how to create a fillable PDF in canva if you  have any questions let me know in the  comment section below don't forget that  you can download this free goal planner  following the link in the description  box and thank you so much for watching  be sure to give this video a thumbs up  subscribe to the channel and stay tuned  for more videos like this alright thank  you  

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