How to Convert My Facebook Profile to  a Business Page?

How to Convert My Facebook Profile to a Business Page: As you all know that Facebook is one of the most popular social networking sites that provide individual identity in digital form. At the same time, Facebook also provides pages for promoting business and organization. 
How to Convert My Facebook Profile to a Business Page

Facebook profile to business page migration is actually quiet simple. Just follow these steps

1)    Any migration is susceptible to data loss. Therefore, it’s best to keep a backup of your profile data before you start the migration process. You can learn how to back-up your Facebook profile here.

2)    The starting point is to access the migration tool here. Be mindful that only your profile photos would be preserved. Other content including additional photographs would be discarded.

3)    Choose the appropriate business category, specify a name, subcategory, and a few other items. Once your business page is live, you will be asked to fill in any other necessary details.

How-To  Convert Your Facebook Profile to Business Page Steps:

To convert your profile to a Facebook Page:

Easily convert for personal Facebook Profile into a Business Page - and keep all your connections!

By creating a Facebook Business Page, you can use more tools and share with a wider audience, while ensuring that your employee’s personal privacy/rights, and your company’s public relations standing, are protected and separated. Converting a Profile to a Page creates a new Facebook Business Page that is based on the profile, while leaving the individual Profile the same.

When you Convert:

  • You will have both a Personal Profile and a Business Page after the conversion.
  • Facebook will transfer your profile picture and cover photo to the Page, and the name on your profile will become the Page's name.
  • You can select from your friends, followers and pending friend requests and add them as your new Page's followers.
  • You can choose which photos and videos to copy over from your profile.

What Happens to My Friends and Followers When I Convert to a Business Page?

Once your new Page is published:

Your profile's followers, friends and friend requests will get notified that you've created a new Business Page.

The profile Followers you choose will automatically follow the new Business Page and will be removed from following your profile.

Friends and pending friend requests you select will automatically like and follow the new Business Page and won't be removed from your profile.


Should your business take the plunge?

Facebook profile migration is a one way street. Once you convert your profile to a page, there’s no way you can restore it back to a profile. Therefore, you need to make up your mind and act accordingly.

So, is your business better off with an existing profile or should you transform it to a page? There are several considerations that need to be accounted for.

Personal profiles with business orientation – Facebook warns that having a personal profile for anything other than a single individual violates its guidelines. Facebook suggests converting such profiles to business pages, or else risk being banned for policy violations.

Pros and cons – Converting to a page has it’s own pros and cons. Though it offers special features to better administer fans and customers and to manage a business’s social ads, a business page can’t view and befriend fans’ personal profiles.

Facebook started off as a pure social network. As time passes, its creators and users both begin to realize its value proposition in the business world. So, Facebook launched “Pages” for business users analogous to “profiles” for personal users. In the business world, profiles became pages, followers became fans, the user interface changed to have a more business-centric appeal but the essence remained the same.

The launch of Facebook pages left many businesses wondering if they should now build a page or a profile? Those with existing profiles had a dilemma of whether to abandon their profile and build a page, have both a page and a profile or perhaps look for a means to migrate their existing profile into a business page.

Facebook recently launched a migration tool that converts a Facebook profile to an official Page with the click of a button, transforming friends to fans in the process. This is a welcome change to the cryptic process of creating a page from scratch and starting with an empty friends list.

Facebook Profile to Business Migration Tool

The tool provides one-click access to converting an existing personal profile to a business page. As per Facebook, the migration would work for a number of business types and categories, including local companies, larger organizations, public figures, causes, and even individual products. From a business perspective, it’s a blessing in disguise as all your followers are converted into fans.

What Happens to My Friends and Followers When I Convert to a Business Page?

Once your new Page is published:

Your profile's followers, friends and friend requests will get notified that you've created a new Business Page.

The profile Followers you choose will automatically follow the new Business Page and will be removed from following your profile.

Friends and pending friend requests you select will automatically like and follow the new Business Page and won't be removed from your profile.

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