If the Sun is in Space Then Why is There No Light in Space

Why is there no light in space if the sun is in space?

Why is there no light in space if the sun is in space?  Think about sitting in a movie theater. You are in a dark room, with an extremely brilliant light shining from behind you onto a screen. Except if the air is dusty, you don't see the beam of light, simply the source and when it hits the screen. IF there is dust, you can see the residue illuminated noticeable all around. 

This is on the grounds that light is possibly seen when it comes from some place, either the original source, or something it ricochets off of. Furthermore, light doesnt bob off of (marry say scatter or reflect) air very well. So a room brimming with air looks quite clear; you really want a great deal of air to see the impact of air. For instance, if you go outside distant objects appear slightly bluish on the grounds that the air is scattering blue light into your eyes. The sky has significantly more air in the manner (and no other objects behind it), so that appears to be unadulterated blue. 

Why is there no light in space from the sun

Yet, there is no air and very little of anything else in space. So theres nothing much for sunlight to scatter off of. Once in a while, astronomers can see a portion of the uncommon material. Theres a phenomenon called the bogus day break or zodiacal light that is seen before sunrise or after sunset at exceptionally dark areas on moonless nights, which is a consequence of sunlight scattering off of tiny grains of stuff in the outer space among Earth and the Sun. (The point is best when we think back towards the Sun, actually like seeing residue in the projector beam at the theater, yet if we look excessively near the Sun, we see its impact on our air, which is a lot bigger.) 

Why the sun doesn't light up space

There are likewise districts of space where there is more stuff than normal, so close by stars light them up: we call them nebulae. One is the Orion Nebula, which seems as though a faint fuzzy star hanging from Orions belt; in a telescope, you can see it is a haze of gas and stars, and you can find some spectacular photographs on the Internet. 

There is light in space. All light you see, hits your eyes. If you are in space, and turn towards the Sun, you see the light in the visible range coming from it. Light travels through space, hits the rear of the eye, and is seen by you. Light is streaming in all directions from the Sun, out into space. This is why we can see other stars. The light from these stars needed to travel through space, and hit the rear of your eye. The photons from the stars you see has been traveling for quite a while. The nearest star is around 4 light years away. This implies that the light we see from the star has been traveling for a long time before it hits the rear of your eye, and you see it. All the light you see comes into your eyes, and you see it. You see nothing outside of you. In request so that you could see anything, the light needs to travel to you, and into that little opening in your eye. 

Light is all over space, all around the room you are in, and generally light, we cannot see. 

light from sun to earth time:  147.93 million km

The popular Nobel Prize winning physicist, Richard Feynman, on Light.

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