Why do everyone want to be an entrepreneurial nowadays?

Why do everyone want to be an entrepreneurial nowadays?

Why do everyone want to be an entrepreneurial nowadays? There’s many reasons why, and here’s some to name a few:

Why do everyone want to be an entrepreneurial nowadays?

Making an impact

Good entrepreneurs create products or services that help people live their lives more productively, more fun, or just in a happier manner. Wanting to be an entrepreneur, dreams of changing the world and wanting to be the next Steve Jobs will certainly be in effect

Making money

Successful entrepreneurs tend to make a lot of money. They can buy Ferraris, drink expensive Scotch every day, basically live the luxurious lifestyle that you hear about. This is a very attractive thing. Frankly, many people don’t like talking about this part of the glory of being a successful entrepreneur, but it is indeed a big reason for wanting to be successful.

They THINK it’s the easiest path to being successful

There’s a few occupations to be very successful, with magazines featuring you, or making a lot of money. Some of these occupations, like being a professional athlete, there are some factors aside from working out and practicing all the time to actually having that as a successful career. So many people cross that out. Being an actress or a singer, they grew up hearing from adults that they should think about a different career path, so they cross that out too.

Then there are occupations like a lawyer or a doctor, or an investment banker. It takes years of higher education to get those job titles, and years of climbing up the corporate ladder. They don’t like that either so they cross that off too.

But an entrepreneur? You can start that with absolutely no education. Just big dreams and a step forward.

It is indeed not an easy path, but no one can doubt that there aren’t real barriers to entry to be an entrepreneur, just really have to do something.

Why do you want to become an entrepreneur answer

Well I can’t answer for everyone but I can tell you why I wanted to be an entrepreneur.

First, freedom. I could not work in a cubical where someone was always asking me to do this or that. At the end of the day, week, or month I would have to report to someone about the work I am doing or ask permission to start new project. This just wasn’t for me!

Second, same old cycle. Having a 9 to 5 job is great but it’s the same thing every single day. You go to work from 9 to 5 Monday through Friday and weekends off. You do the same thing at work everyday and talk to the same people. Yuck!

Third, risk. I love taking risk. I don’t mean like sky diving or bungee jumping but more so with my career. I didn’t want to do the same thing every single day and I didn’t want to have the same old cycle.

Being an entrepreneur is one of the most rewarding things I have done with my career. Most of the time it’s more stressful and I work more hours than I would if I had a 9 to 5 job. But the best part is I get to create a business with my own hands on my own terms without reporting to anyone or asking for permission from anyone. That is why I wanted to be an entrepreneur.
